Our Portfolios built for your goals

Whether investing long-term or short-term, there’s a Terrassets portfolio that fits your comfort level to help you reach your goals faster.

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Daily income rate


Investment Duration

7 Days

Referral Bonus


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Daily income rate


Investment Duration

7 Days

Referral Bonus


Customer Support







Daily income rate


Investment Duration

7 Days

Referral Bonus


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Consider adding Self-Directed

Buy and sell your own stocks, options, ETFs and more with Terrassets self-directed accounts, products and free platforms.

Get answers to our frequently asked questions

Can I change my portfolio once it's invested?

Yes, if your tolerance for risk or personal situation has changed, you can update your information to change your portfolio.

Can I choose my own Portfolio in my Terrassets portfolio?

Yes you can definitely choose your preferred portfolio.

How do I check my holdings and returns?

Your investments are available to check online at any time. To view your account holdings and returns, Log in and go to Reports > Investment summary.

For all returns presented; management fees, optional charges or income taxes payable by Terrassets clients that would have reduced returns are not taken into account. Dividend yield is the weighted average of dividends from each ETF within the portfolio paid out in the last 12 months, divided by the share price of the portfolio as at December 31, 2023.

1 Cumulative returns show how much your investments have grown or declined – in total – over a multi-year period leading up to the as at date. For cumulative returns: the inception dates for our Standard Growth and Balance portfolios are November 2014. The inception dates for our Standard Aggressive and Income portfolios are December 2014. The inception date for the cumulative returns of our Standard Conservative portfolio is January 2015.

2 Calendar returns show how much your investments have grown or declined – on average – over each calendar year of a multi-year period. Returns are not guaranteed and the values of the underlying ETFs change frequently. Past performance may not be repeated.

Terrassets Portfolios is a service provided by Terrassets Management Inc.

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